Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Loud Silence

Obama's first Pro-life decision came in the first few days of his presidency and was greeted with silence from the "Religious Right" the group that claims as their mantle the sanctity of life. Obama signed orders to halt what Bush called enhanced interrogation techniques, but what was classified by Amnesty International and the Red Cross as torture. When these practices were reveled to occur during Bush's presidency there was silence in response from the Christian's that supported the republicans platform of life, and similarly when Obama banned the practice the same silence occured. I realize that the torture that occurs to prisoners in American camps are small compared to the deaths that occur from Abortion but as Bush said, '"I think it's important to promote a culture of life. I think a hospitable society is a society where every being counts and every person matters."

Saturday, March 7, 2009

President Obama's Third Strike

President Obama has again raised the ire of Evangelicals, this week for another decision on abortion. Sadly, this proves to be the third major policy move he has initiated that will further devalue life and the protection of the unborn. A few weeks ago the President announced he was repealing what is known as the Mexico City Policy, a holdover from the Reagan administration that limited federal funding to organizations that did abortions outside our borders. Recently President Obama has also rescinded a Bush administration policy that allowed those in the medical field to refuse to provide abortions or abortifacient medication if it was against their personal beliefs. Finally, this past week, Mr. Obama withdrew the ban on federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research. These decisions have collectively made him the most pro-abortion President we have had in over thirty years, perhaps ever.

As Christians engaging the political sphere, we are called to have a broad issue agenda. Part of that agenda, for the Believer, must be protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Whether they are in the far reaches of another continent, or in the wombs of mothers in our own country. In this era of economic crisis and war half a world away, let us not forget our call to protect life in every venue possible.